Pregnancy - What Are The Early Signs And Symptoms?

Having your first child is an exciting time in your life. If you have been trying to get pregnant, you should pay attention to the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. There is really only one way to know for sure that you are pregnant, but there are some symptoms that will send you to the doctor to find out for sure.

One of the very early symptoms of pregnancy is tender swollen breasts. This can happen as early as two weeks after conception. The hormonal changes that are taking place in your body are responsible for this feeling.

The changes that are happening in your body will also begin to steal all of your energy. Fatigue is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy. If you find yourself falling asleep when you are usually full of energy it might be a sign that you are pregnant. In the early stages of pregnancy, the progesterone in your body will begin to increase. This high level of progesterone can put you right to sleep. While this is taking place, there will be some changes to your blood sugar levels that will be causing you to be sleepy as well. All of this taking place at the same time can make you feel as though you can't get enough sleep.

For some women, nausea with or without vomiting can begin to occur as early as two weeks after conception. There are a couple of reasons that pregnant women feel nausea. There is an increase in the amount of estrogen in the body and this can cause some changes in the way food is digested. Also, pregnant women have a stronger sense of smell during this time. Any strong smells may cause nausea to occur.

There may also be some food aversions and cravings. If you find that you just don't want your normal cup of coffee in the morning, the hormonal changes of pregnancy might be the cause. Craving specific foods is also common in early pregnancy.

There are many other symptoms that may point to pregnancy. Most of these symptoms can be caused by the hormonal changes that are occurring in the body. Some women complain of headaches, constipation, bleeding and cramping, mood swings and a raised body temperature. If you are experiencing a number of these symptoms, it is a good idea to have a test with you doctor.

With all of these symptoms there is a chance that you are pregnant. There are some women who just know instinctively that they are pregnant. There is a lot to be said for female intuition when it comes to pregnancy. It might just be that all of the symptoms and the way that they have been feeling are reaffirming those feelings, but some women know they are pregnant without having any other symptom. If you feel strongly that you are pregnant, there are tests that you can pick up in your local drugstore that will tell you for sure.

By: Amanda Isbitt

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Pregnancy Stretch Marks: How, Why And What To Do About Them

75% - 90% of women will develop stretch marks during pregnancy, usually during the 6th and 7th months when there is a spurt of fetal growth as well as maternal hormones. Stretch marks, or striae, are scars caused by damage to the skin's collagen and elastin fibers, a protein mesh network that gives it its flexibility and ability to stretch and recoil back to its original position.

During pregnancy, a woman's body increases production of the hormone 'relaxin' that softens the cervix, widens the pubic bone and facilitates labor. It also affects collagen metabolism, inhibiting collagen production and increases its breakdown. This actually weakens the skin, reduces its elasticity and increases the risk of developing stretch marks even without the added stress of quick weight gain. Stimulating collagen production to keep or increase the skin's elasticity is important in preventing or limiting stretch marks.

Pregnancy stretch marks appear mostly on the abdomen (tummy), bottom, thighs and breasts with the appearance depending on the skin tone. On light-skinned women, they are thin pink, red or purplish streaks and more brownish lines on darker skins.

Why some women get stretch marks and others don't seems to depend on a number of things, the biggest seeming to be genetics. If you got stretch marks during puberty on your breasts or elsewhere, you may be at greater risk. If your mother or sister developed stretch marks, that may indicate that you might as well. Rapid or excessive weight gain will make stretch marks worse so it's important to try not to gain any more weight than recommended, usually 25 - 35 pounds. You're more likely to get stretch marks if you're carrying multiples (more than one baby), or a big baby, resulting in larger growth and more stretching of the skin.

Many articles you will read will tell you that you can't avoid pregnancy stretch marks no matter what, yet all of them say that an important factor in whether or not you will get them is the condition of your skin, it's strength and elasticity. Using a product daily that is made to increase collagen production and increase your skin's elasticity will help a lot. It may not prevent stretch marks completely since there are so many other factors involved, but it's pretty much for sure you'll get them if you don't.

To help prevent pregnancy stretch marks:

* Eat a balanced, nutritious diet
* Drink a lot of water to stay well hydrated
* Avoid sudden, excessive weight gain
* Use a good quality cream that stimulates collagen growth and skin elasticity daily

Pregnancy stretch marks will fade in time, the lines becoming much less noticeable within 6 months to a year after giving birth but they won't entirely go away. If they bother you, there are some steps you can take to diminish their appearance including laser surgery, microdermabrasion and stretch mark treatment creams. All have some limitations - there are no perfect treatments. However, red stretch marks can be reduced, white marks diminished and skin texture can be significantly improved to make it so that stretch marks can't be seen easily.

Laser surgery can be effective, done on an out-patient basis with no recovery time needed. It reduces redness in red stretch marks and encourages collagen growth, improving the look and texture of the skin. It usually requires more than one treatment and it is expensive with total costs adding up to $5,000 - $10,000. It is more effective on lighter skinned women.

Micro dermabrasion is also very effective, greatly improving thin stretch marks so that they are hardly noticeable. Also a bit costly with treatments running about $100 - $200 per treatment.

Stretch mark creams are the most affordable solution though they take longer to work than laser or micro dermabrasion, requiring a few weeks of daily use to see significant results. Creams that are formulated for stretch mark treatment greatly diminish the appearance of stretch marks when used daily. The creams range from about $25 to $150 a bottle, with each lasting about a month.

Doing everything you can to prevent stretch marks in the first place is definitely the way to go!

By: Pat Spence

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Top 3 Ways To Conceive A Baby Girl (and Not A Single Doctor In Sight!)

In this day and age, some people still argue if it is at all possible to choose the gender of your baby.

Of course it is possible!

Science has found ways to virtually guarantee you the conception of baby of a preferred gender… if you’re willing to endure some very invasive medical procedures - and you’re able to pay - that is!

In this article, however, we’re going to talk about completely natural, safe and simple ways to conceive a baby girl!

Although there is a myriad of old wives’ stories and anecdotes about how to conceive a baby girl, these 3 ways are standing above the rest!

1. Know when is the right time to conceive a baby girl.

What: Chances of conceiving a baby girl greatly increase when conception happens 3 – 4 days before ovulation.

Why? Sperm carrying girl-producing chromosome live longer than the boy-producing sperm – thus they will outlive the latter when the time to fertilize the egg comes.

How to do it: In order to conceive a baby girl, have intercourse a few days prior to ovulation.

What will you need: A way to track when your ovulation is due. If you’re not comfortable with methods such as charting basal temperature and the like, ask for ovulation predictor kit in your pharmacy.

2. Know how to conceive a baby girl.

What: Yes, we’re talking about that three letter word;) So, which is the best position to conceive a baby girl? Any position that will result in depositing the sperm as far away from cervix is optimal.

Why? Remember when we said that girl-producing sperm live longer than boy-producing sperm? Since “girl sperm” are more like marathon runners, and “boy sperm” are more like sprinters, there’s a greater chance that “girl sperm” will survive that long and hard journey and eventually meet the egg.

How to do it: If you want to conceive a baby girl, make love in a missionary position, or any other position where penetration is shallow.

What will you need: … oh, but seriously;) Are additional explanations really needed? I think you can answer this by yourself;) Or, like Nike says: Just do it!;)

3. Diet to conceive a baby girl.

What: What you eat while trying for a girl can significantly upper your odds of conceiving your little baby girl!

Why? Eating foods high in magnesium is said to help you conceive a baby girl. While this sounds like an old wives’ tale, it doesn’t hurt to try, does it? Furthermore, some foods will make your reproductive tract more acidic, which in itself makes a friendlier environment for sperm carrying girl-producing chromosomes.

How to do it: If you’re trying for a girl, your daily diet should include lots of green vegetables - which are rich in magnesium. To make your vagina more acidic, increase your intake of acid producing foods, such as meats and sweets.

What will you need: To test your acidity, you can use vaginal testing strips, available in most health stores. And, when shopping for groceries, don’t forget some whole grains, corn, and - a chocolate;)

By: anita bern

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How To Have A Baby Girl - Tips On Having A Female Baby

When families consist only of male children, many parents seek to discover how to have a baby girl. This does not in any way detract from the love they feel for their sons, but often come from a deep-rooted need to balance their families.

A few years ago, this was hardly an issue as larger families were commonplace. It was therefore rare for families to consist of children of only one sex. Indeed it was taken for granted that eventually there would be children of both sexes. Nowadays with the average family consisting of either two or three children, the odds of conceiving male and female children is much less and many parents are simply not prepared to leave something so important to chance.

If you would like to know how to have a baby girl, there are various tips which will help improve the odds. Knowing a few facts about the mechanics of conception means that you can harness this information and put it to use.

The gender of a baby is determined by the sperm. It is well known that female sperm are larger than male sperm and live for longer-up to 5 days in fact. In addition, they are also slower than male sperm. Using this information, it therefore follows that if you have intercourse a few days before ovulation, the male sperm are likely to have died off when the egg is released, leaving the longer surviving female sperm there to fertilize the egg. Timing is all though-if intercourse is too early, the female sperm will not have survived. Too close to ovulation and the chances of conceiving a boy are increased.

To increase you chances of having a baby girl, you should conceive between 2 and 4 days before ovulation takes place. It is therefore important to know your own cycle and be able to pinpoint when ovulation is likely to occur. If you are wanting to have a female baby, it is not enough to use ovulation predictors though as by the time it produces a "positive" result, your window of conception for a girl will have passed. However, ovulation predictors do have their place and it can often be useful to monitor your cycle for three months before attempting conception as knowing when you are likely to ovulate is key to conceiving a baby of your chosen gender.

To conceive a female baby, intercourse should be avoided altogether for two days prior to ovulation and on the day itself as a faster, male sperm is more likely to reach the egg first.

The position in which intercourse takes place is also thought to be important if you are wanting to know how to have a baby girl. This is because the entrance of the vagina is far more acidic than the area nearer to the cervix. This means that having shallower intercourse, where penetration is not too deep can favor the conception of a girl. Deeper penetration which is more likely to deposit sperm near to the neck of the womb (cervix) is more likely to result in the conception of a male.
A quick internet search will reveal many natural ways to conceive a girl. However, using these in isolation may not give the baby girl you would love to have. However, a systematic approach which combines all possible tried and tested ways will give you the best chance.

I always recommend Rebecca Washburn's book as its principles are scientific rather than anecdotal. In it, she outlines the exact $450 gender clinic douche recipe which you can put together yourself. She also will give you precise dietary information and the details of the only days you should be having intercourse on and which positions you should be using to maximize the conception of a girl.

By: Francesca Hopkins

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What Will My Newborn Look Like?

One of the most exciting things about being pregnant is thinking about what your newborn will look like. Will she be long? Tall? Or will he have hair?

But remember, not all newborns arrive looking pink and chubby. Newborns are born with several variations in appearance, from moulding to stork bites and even port wine stains.

When your baby is born, he or she may be purple to dark red in color. Newborn hands and feet can appear bluish for the first day or two due to immature blood circulation. But blue in any other part of the body is not normal and should be seen by a doctor immediately. If your baby is yellow in color, your pediatrician will check him or her for jaundice.

Your baby may be born with an elongated head, called moulding. This is a normal overlap of movable bones during the birth, and should resolve itself in a day or two.

Vernix is a white substance that is seen on many babies after they are born. The vernix protects the baby from amniotic fluid while he or she is in the womb. It is secreted by the oil glands and is absorbed by the baby’s skin after delivery.

Babies born somewhat early can have lanugo, or a soft hair covering parts of their bodies. This is not usually seen in babies born full or past term.

Does your newborn have white spots on the nose, forehead or chin? This is called milia, and is formed from the baby’s oil glands. If these are in the baby’s mouth, they are called Epstein pearls.

Your baby did not really arrive by a stork, but he or she may actually have stork bites or salmon patches. This is a concentration of immature blood vessels, which usually fade completely. Because they are seen on the eyelids, upper lip, between the eyes or on the back of they neck, they are called stork bites – somewhat resembling marks that a stork might have left after picking up a newborn.

Babies can be born with port wine stains. These are birthmarks covered in red, pink or purple, and are known to be flat. This is a concentration of small capillaries, and are more than likely on the head or neck. If your baby has a port wine stain, you will probably be referred to a plastic surgery specialist who can perform laser treatment when your child is older.

Knowing how your baby may appear after birth will give you confidence that he or she is healthy. Your baby will be beautiful, whether he has milia, lanugo or moulding. Be sure to talk to your pediatrician or your OB/GYN if you have any questions regarding your baby’s appearance.

By: Agoosa

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